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- Season runs from the 1st Saturday in May to March 15th
- Three (3) fish per day, 15″ minimum
- Season runs from the 1st Saturday in May to March 15h
- Five (5) fish per day, 15″ minimum
Northern Pike
- Season runs from the 1st Saturday in May to March 15th
- Five (5) fish per day, 18″ minimum
- Season starts the 3rd Saturday in June and closes November 30th
- Five (5) fish per day, 12″ minimum
- November 30 to 3rd Saturday in June, catch and release only; artifical lures only
- Open all year
- 9″ minimum, 25 per day
Bluegill, sunfish, and perch
- Open all year
- No size limit, 50 per day
This is intended as an informational guide only, users should always consult the DEC regulations. We assume no liability for any inaccuries contained on this page.